Friday, September 13, 2013

Welcome to Oak Tech Arts!

As the 2013-14 School year gets under way, we are doing some new things.
Starting with this blog.

We have new staff in the Arts at Tech this year...

Ena Dallas has joined the Drama Department as the Beginning Drama teacher.
Some of you will know her from either her work with OakTechRep helping with Choreography or from her after school Acrobatics class.

Helena Moss-Jack has taken the role of Band teacher. She is working with A Session students with both Jazz Band and Orchestra backgrounds. Then she does 1st and 2nd period Jazz Band classes. She is an inspiration and honestly you should just google her to be awed!

We are awaiting final confirmation from OUSD HR that our Orchestra teacher can start, so stay tuned for more info.

Our fabulous team still has the following wonderful teachers:

Sonja Travek for Dance, so look forward to some amazing showcases this year, including Dance week.

Jessa Berkner for Advanced Drama and OakTechRep. She is back during the day for 6th period Advanced Drama and after school with the Production class. She has already held auditions for the upcoming show In the Red and Brown Water by Tarrell Alvin McCraney.
The First Rehearsal is Sept. 11th. 
Tech Week Starts Nov.8th.
Opening is Nov. 14th
Closing Nov.16
It is a short run, only 4 shows, Thursday and Friday night, then a matinee and evening show on the Saturday.

Casey Fern is still in the Shop as our Technical Director with his awesome Techies. 
If you don't know about the Tech Techies you are really missing out! They design and build sets and props (amongst other things), and run the shows.
They meet after school on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday regularly with a "work day" the first Saturday of each month (come join the fun) and then when the production gets close they never go home!!! Well it certainly seems that way!

Katita Johnson is our fashion guru!
She is mainly on the Upper Campus or Far West at it is still called, but the great thing is she is now on the main campus in the basement at least two afternoons a week and hopefully that will increase to more days. This is really to give the kids that can not fit Fashion Academy into their schedule an opportunity to get a taste.

Renita Pines is continuing on with Ceramics. So many beautiful creations come out of their classes. I am looking forward to the next ceramics show and sale.

So there you have it!

We are so excited for this year.

We will post images and updates as frequently as possible, so follow our blog!